815 Orienta Ave. Suite 1030 Altamonte Springs, FL 32701


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Understanding Florida’s Family Court System

Understanding Florida’s Family Court System

Florida operates 20 judicial courts that are tied together under the state court system. If you are a resident of Altamonte Springs, Florida, then your case will be heard by a judge from the 18th Circuit Judicial Court. This court was formed by the state legislature in 1967. It hears a variety of family court cases. Understanding a little about the types of cases that this court hears helps you decide if our law firm is right for you because we only handle cases in family court. Ty...

What Is Mediation And How Does It Work?

What Is Mediation And How Does It Work?

Mediation is a procedure in which the parties discuss their disputes with the assistance of a trained impartial third person(s) who assists them in reaching a settlement. A mediator is a person with patience, persistence and common sense. Frank Family Law Practice in Winter Park can assist you're your mediation needs. Cases suitable for mediation are disputes in commercial transactions, personal injury, construction, workers compensation, labor or community relations, divorce, domestic re...

What to Do When Served with a Paternity Case

What to Do When Served with a Paternity Case

You’ve just been served with a paternity case and you have no idea where to begin. There are several things you need to know, understand and do to get you through the process without stressing. First off, try to talk to a lawyer and show them the Complaint. A lawyer at Frank Family Practice in Altamonte Springs can answer any questions you may have pertaining to your paternity Case. Read the papers for Your Paternity Case Summons Read the papers that the sheriff or...

Understanding the Divorce Process

Understanding the Divorce Process

No two divorces are exactly alike. Every breakup has its own unique legal, financial, and/or parenting issues, which require their own resolution strategies. Here’s a basic primer of how the divorce process works in the United States. Speak to a lawyer at Frank Family Law Practice in Altamonte Springs to answer any questions you may have. Temporary Orders and Filing Divorce Papers A temporary order/agreement establishes quick decisions about the children, property,...

What Questions Should I Ask When I Meet With a Divorce Attorney in Winter Park?

What Questions Should I Ask When I Meet With a Divorce Attorney in Winter Park?

Divorce is never friendly, and selecting a divorce lawyer could be stressful. Since there are lots of practicing lawyers, it is necessary to make sure you hire a skill and knowledgeable lawyer for your divorce. You should know that there are various lawyers with expertise in different areas. That an attorney was very competent in handling a friend’s divorce case doesn’t mean he/she would be the right one for you. Since divorce cases are usually complicated, you need an a...

Legal Separation vs. Divorce: Which is recommended?

Legal Separation vs. Divorce: Which is recommended?

People having difficulties in marriages could consider filing for a divorce. On the other hand, many times, people talk about legal separation, and you wonder which will be beneficial, both now and in the long run. There is no simple answer to direct you on the better choice between legal separation and divorce as legal separation is almost as complicated and stressful as a divorce. Some families, as a result of ethnic difference and religious belief, could benefit from a legal separation....

Financial Benefits of a Divorce

Financial Benefits of a Divorce

Anyone thinking of filing for divorce might be aware of the financial implications. It is pretty easy for younger ones who get divorced to bounce back on track financially; even at that, divorce takes its toll on finances. For instance, one obvious implication of getting a divorce is no more splitting of bills and mortgages. Besides, when you finally divide up your investments, you will be left with less savings. Divorce takes its toll on couples financially if it happens after reti...

How to help your child adapt to a new school after divorce

How to help your child adapt to a new school after divorce

For a child whose parent just got divorced and has to change location or change schools, the transition can be difficult and scary. The feeling of being new in the class and not having friends yet can make your child feel unsettled for the first few days at their new school. However, as a parent, there are ways to help your child feel at ease through the transition. 1. Create a routine and stick to it. Your child is going through a lot of changes, and you can help by cre...

The things you cannot include in a prenuptial agreement

The things you cannot include in a prenuptial agreement

Contracts are not only limited to businesses. Sometimes, marriages also require contracts for certain occurrences in the marriage. In other words, these contracts define what happens in a marriage when something else happens. More accurately put, this contract is known as a prenuptial agreement, also called “prenup.” It is a contract put in place by two people which they must agree on before getting married. If you are getting married in Orlando and you need a prenuptial agreement...

The Process of Divorcing an Addict or Alcoholic

The Process of Divorcing an Addict or Alcoholic

Divorce itself is a stressful process, but your spouse can make it more difficult if they are an addict or alcoholic. This addiction may be the reason for the divorce, or a habit the just took up when the divorce process started. It could be an alcohol addiction prescription or illegal drugs. Whatever the case is, going through a divorce with a spouse dealing with addiction can be challenging. A person dealing with an addiction is usually difficult to interact with and in the case o...

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