As a highly regarded divorce attorney in Orlando, we will educate you through this process so that you feel more prepared and most importantly, more comfortable every step of the way. The purpose of alimony or spousal support is to meet the needs of one spouse following the dissolution of marriage. The first determination that a court will make regarding whether to award alimony to a spouse is whether that party has an actual need for alimony and whether the other party as the ability to pay alimony. Once that determination has been made, the court will consider several other factors in deciding on the amount and type of alimony to be awarded. The following are the different types of alimony that can be awarded in a divorce case: bridge-the-gap, rehabilitative, durational, and permanent. Alimony can be one of the most complex and emotionally charged issues in a divorce case. Again, as highly experienced attorneys in the handling of all kinds of alimony issues, Frank Family Law Practice will provide a clear and complete analysis of your alimony rights or defenses as well as keeping you in the know every step of the way.
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